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Oregon's senior senator to talk semiconductors at Oregon business summit

PORTLAND, Ore. — On the eve of a big gathering of business, civic and elected leaders, Oregon Senator Ron Wyden was talking semiconductors and growing Oregon’s 'silicon forest'. Wyden sat down with KGW this weekend and discussed what he'll be talking about tomorrow at the Oregon Leadership Summit 2022.

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Semiconductor research and manufacturing is a big business in Oregon and nobody's bigger in the state than Intel.

It and other companies here are producing a product that is at the heart of modern technology, from cell phones to airliners.

We've heard about global shortages of the high-tech chips and Oregon’s senior senator says he wants to fix that.

Wyden said we will be talking about how the 52 billion dollar CHIPS act will help here at Monday’s Oregon Leadership Summit 2022 in Portland.


“My legislation that I made a part of this package provides billions of dollars for investment tax credits and this gives us a chance to really move into the big leagues in terms of manufacturing,” said Wyden, who is Chair of the Senate Finance Committee.

Wyden also gave KGW early notice, of a visitor he plans to host in Oregon early next year, with an eye on growing the semiconductor business across the state.

“That the Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo is willing to come out and look at how Oregon is really moving ahead in semiconductors is a huge complement to our industry and I'll be talking about that on Monday.”



Author: Tim Gordon

Published: 4:28 PM PST December 11, 2022
Updated: 4:28 PM PST December 11, 2022